#97 Dry January and Beyond: My Experience of Taking a Break from Booze

Welcome to episode #97 of the MindCep Podcast, We’re going to talk about my recent 30 day experiment with No Booz for the past 30 days.

In this episode of MindCep, I share my personal journey of quitting alcohol for a month and the benefits I gained from it. I also explain why you might want to try a no alcohol challenge yourself and how it can improve your health, happiness, and creativity. You’ll learn:

  • How alcohol affects your sleep, weight, mood, and cognition
  • What challenges and temptations I faced during my no alcohol challenge
  • How I overcame them and stayed motivated
  • What positive changes I noticed in my body and mind
  • How to start your own no alcohol challenge and what resources to use

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review, subscribe, and share it with your friends. And don’t forget to check out the sources that I used for this episode, which you can find below.

Here are some sources that I used for this episode:




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Thank you for tuning in and joining us on this journey.



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DISCLAIMER: The information I provide to the podcast listeners of MindCep is based on my own research and personal experience. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Not all information is factual or has scientific evidence to support it. I am simply sharing the best information I can find and finding valuable content to help you improve your mental health and well-being.